
Creating Stronger Storage Areas

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Creating Stronger Storage Areas

After thinking about how I wanted my house to be, I realized that I was looking for a cleaner, more organized approach to home living. However, I had a lot of stuff in my space, so I started going through and getting rid of things one at a time. It was really invigorating not to have to keep putting things back in storage, but I wasn't quite sure what I needed to do in order to identify and resolve the different storage challenges I was dealing with. I started committing myself to only storing things I was particularly fond of, and it was powerful to see how something as small as storage improved my home. Check out these posts to learn more.


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Protecting Your Possessions: Why Climate-Controlled Storage is Essential for Antiques and Artwork

Antiques and artwork are much more than just possessions. They hold immense sentimental and monetary value. From family heirlooms to treasured paintings, these items require careful attention and preservation. One of the most important factors in keeping your antique or artwork in pristine condition is adequate storage. Not all storage options are created equal, though. This post will discuss why climate-controlled storage is an essential aspect of preserving your valuable possessions.

Temperature Control Matters

Temperature changes can damage antiques and artwork in significant ways. For instance, fluctuations in temperature can cause warping and discoloration to occur on framed pieces. On the other hand, extreme temperatures can lead to cracking or expanding of materials, ultimately harming or damaging your antique. Climate-controlled storage precisely regulates temperatures within a specific range, ensuring that your items are preserved against damage caused by temperature changes. 

Humidity Control Extends Lifespan

Humidity plays an equally critical role in the preservation of artwork and antiques. Excessive moisture can result in the growth of mold and the onset of rot, whereas inadequate humidity levels can cause cracking and deterioration to occur. Climate-controlled storage units come with humidity-control features. These features will ensure a constant level of humidity tailored to the specific needs of your artwork or antique, preventing any moisture-induced damage.

Protection from Pests

Another advantage of storing antiques and artwork in a climate-controlled unit is protection from pests. A non-climate-controlled unit is more prone to pests, such as rodents or bugs. They may cause considerable damage to your valuable possessions. Climate-controlled units are built to seal tightly, keeping pests away and even preventing the growth of mold or mildew.

Preserving the Value for the Future

Lastly, climate-controlled storage is essential if you want to preserve the value of your artwork and antiques. Storing these items in a self-storage unit or a garage may be cheaper, but it can also be a source of potential damage. A climate-controlled unit may be slightly more expensive, but the value of your possessions will be maintained for years to come. The lifespan of your artwork or antiques will be extended when stored in a climate-controlled unit compared to any other basic storage methods.

Investing in a climate-controlled storage unit is an investment in the future of your valuable possessions. It ensures that antiques and artwork remain in pristine condition, preserving their value and sentimentality for years to come. By regulating temperature and humidity changes, climate-controlled storage units can extend the lifespan of your artwork or antiques, maintain their condition, and protect them from pests and potential damage. So, say goodbye to basic storage options and choose climate-controlled storage for your assets – it’s worth the investment.

For more information, contact a climate-controlled self-storage service in your area.